To provide a comprehensive professional development and career progression program for our associates, Stoel Rives uses an Associate Development Framework. The Framework links attorney performance characteristics and contributions with career progression, while providing our associates with greater clarity, flexibility, fairness, and objectivity as they advance at the firm.
At the heart of the Framework is the Core Competency Model (CCM), a set of skills, abilities, and behaviors our associates should develop as they gain professional experience and progress at the firm. Three levels of associate development are defined by the CCM:
- Level 1 – Foundation Period (Junior-Level Associates)
- Level 2 – Practice Development Period (Mid-Level Associates)
- Level 3 – Practice Management Period (Senior-Level Associates)
The CCM is supported by Practice-Specific Development Benchmarks. The Benchmarks define the skills, experiences, and tasks appropriate for each level of associate development in each practice area.
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