Tom Wood is a retired partner no longer practicing law. To connect with an environmental lawyer, please click here.
Before becoming an attorney, Tom Wood ran several small businesses. Combined with a strong technical background, this experience provides him with an understanding that most companies need practical solutions, clearly articulated strategies, and effective communication, rather than legalese. Providing this type of guidance and client response is what Tom enjoys most about his practice, and after more than three decades, he has the depth of experience to deliver for clients.
Tom's practice focuses predominantly on air-permitting matters, although he also has extensive experience with EPCRA reporting, waste regulation, and stormwater and wastewater management. He has handled all types of enforcement (civil, criminal, and citizen suit) and worked on multiple high-stakes nuisance matters. While his work is predominantly in Oregon, Washington, California, Nevada, and Montana, he has assisted clients on issues across the United States, working in all 10 EPA regions on a broad variety of permitting and enforcement matters.
In state and federal Clean Air Act matters, Tom has helped clients find solutions to Title V permitting and compliance, new source review (including Prevention of Significant Deterioration or PSD, nonattainment and maintenance area), National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP or MACT standards), New Source Performance Standards (NSPS), Acid Rain, Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) assessments, Regional Haze, greenhouse gas regulation, nuisance odor, nuisance dust, emission offsets, and many other esoteric aspects of air regulation. He has assisted companies with dozens of Section 114 information requests and similar state administrative subpoenas. This includes work on California Air Resource Board (CARB) consumer products standards as well as state and local equivalent standards such as those developed by the South Coast Air Quality Management District.
Tom worked his way through college loading and unloading trucks. After leaving Stanford, he worked in New York City doing specialty contracting work. When asked why he left that work to go to law school, Tom explains that the growing complexity of regulations inspired a desire to help others navigate these pathways, allowing them to focus on their businesses. Success is measured by finding cost-effective solutions that enable clients to achieve their goals while ensuring agency recognition of their compliance efforts.
Tom has had the pleasure of working with some of the nation’s leading semiconductor, aerospace, cement, steel, wood products, pulp and paper, chemical, energy, glass, oil and gas, motor vehicle, landfill, renewable fuel, biotech, data, food processing, equipment manufacturing, and retail companies. He takes great satisfaction in helping manufacturers excel in producing the best products in the world, right here in the United States.
Columbia Law School, J.D., 1993; Stone Scholar
Stanford University, B.A., 1983, with distinction
- Represented multiple companies in FAA enforcement actions related to transportation of hazardous materials.
- Represented multiple companies in CARB and SCAQMD Consumer Product VOC regulation investigations and enforcement actions.
- Permitting of multiple power plants in California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington.
- Permitting and compliance work for multiple cement plants in Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Idaho, Texas, Arkansas, Kansas, and Nebraska.
- Permitting and compliance work for steel and nonferrous metals foundries and forges in West Virginia, New Hampshire, Ohio, Michigan, Texas, California, Oregon, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, and Washington.
- Permitting of LNG terminal 14 miles off California coast.
- Civil enforcement action under Clean Air Act for alleged PSD and NSPS violations involving 8 states and EPA Headquarters.
- Permitting and compliance work for multiple wood products manufacturing facilities in Louisiana, Arkansas, North Carolina, Montana, California, Washington, and Oregon.
- Permitting and compliance work for multiple semiconductor fabs in the Western U.S.
- Criminal enforcement action against heavy equipment manufacturing company for alleged NESHAP violations.
- Numerous Clean Air Act Section 114 responses on behalf of companies across the U.S.
- Numerous voluntary self-disclosures for violations of Clean Air Act and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act.
- Defense of nuisance odor allegations at several major manufacturers.
Insights & Presentations
- “Cleaner Air Oregon: Lessons Learned,” Business & The Environment CONFERENCE · EXPO, Northwest Environmental Business Council (NEBC), December 7, 2022
- “Carbon Regulations and Markets,” Pacific Northwest Timberlands Management: Regulations, Litigation, and Business Considerations, The Seminar Group, March 2022
- “Regulating GHGs in Oregon and Washington: New Developments,” Business & The Environment CONFERENCE · EXPO, NEBC, December 2021
- “Oregon’s Cap and Reduce Program: what’s on the GHG Horizon?,” Business & The Environment CONFERENCE · EXPO, NEBC, December 2020
- “Cap and Trade: Gone, But Not Forgotten,” Business & The Environment CONFERENCE · EXPO, NEBC, Portland, OR, December 2019
- “Market-Based Strategies for Greenhouse Gas Reduction,” Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: Perspectives from the West, Stoel Rives LLP/Environmental Law Institute, Portland, OR, June 2019
- “Putting a Price on Carbon: Understanding Oregon’s Proposed Cap and Trade Program,” Business & The Environment CONFERENCE · EXPO, NEBC, Portland, OR, December 2018
- “Air Regulations, Biomass, and Carbon Markets,” Pacific Northwest Timberlands Management, The Seminar Group, Portland, OR, March 2016
- “Advanced Air Toxics,” Northwest Environmental Conference & Tradeshow, Portland, OR, December 2017
- “Clean Air Act Regulation and Biomass Fuels,” Pacific Northwest Timberlands Management, The Seminar Group, Portland, OR, April 2016
- “Climate Change Overview - The Regulatory Playing Field,” Climate Change Policy Outlook Conference, September 2014
- “Clean Air Act Regulation and Biomass Fuels,” Pacific Northwest Timberlands Conference, Portland, OR, April 2014
- Named by Best Lawyers® as Environmental Law “Lawyer of the Year,” Portland, 2012 and 2016
- Included in The Best Lawyers in America® (Environmental Law, Litigation—Environmental), 2008–present
- Listed in Oregon Super Lawyers® (Environmental, Energy & Natural Resources), 2008–2019
- Selected as one of “America’s Leading Lawyers for Business” (Oregon) by Chambers USA (Environment), 2006–present
- Associated Oregon Industries Environmental Excellence Award, 2011
- Associated Oregon Industries Air and Energy Committee, Chairperson
- Stoel Rives Air Team, Chair
- Literary Arts, Board of Directors