Cody Doig is a practical and solutions-focused environmental attorney. He works on all aspects of complex natural resource development projects, including permit development, compliance, administrative appeals, litigation, and remand.
Cody has extensive experience with permitting and compliance issues under both the Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act and corresponding state laws. Cody has also overseen site cleanup under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act for sites across Alaska.
Before joining Stoel Rives, Cody was a senior assistant attorney general and assistant attorney general with the Alaska Department of Law, Environmental Section. Prior to moving to Alaska, Cody represented local governments, large oil and gas operators, and public land users in Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah under all of the significant public land laws, including the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLMPA), and National Forest Management Act (NFMA).
University of Denver Sturm College of Law, J.D., 2010; Staff Editor, University of Denver Water Law Review
University of Colorado at Boulder, B.A., Philosophy: Law & Society, 2006
- Counsel to State of Alaska in defense of Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification of major gold mine in salmon habitat.
- Counsel to State of Alaska in administrative appeal of APDES permit for gold mine large gold mine in Southeast Alaska.
- Counsel to State of Alaska in Clean Air Act appeals in Western District of Washington, District of Columbia and D.C. Court of Appeals.
- Counsel to State of Alaska in remand and site cleanup of North Pole Refinery after appeal to Alaska Supreme Court.
- Counsel to State of Alaska in administrative appeal of APDES permit by hatchery trade group.
- Counsel to State of Alaska in development of PM 2.5 and Regional Haze State Implementation Plans and state regulations.
- Counsel to State of Alaska in lawsuit against BLM and Department of Interior to compel cleanup of more than 1,000 sites in Alaska.
- Counsel to trade organization in District of Wyoming opposing Sage Grouse land use plans adopted by BLM and USFS.
- Counsel to local governments in District of Utah opposing land use plans that removed oil and gas leasing and mining.
- Counsel to grazing association after appeal of removal of horses by BLM under the Wild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act.
- Counsel to major oil and gas operator in ratemaking dispute before Wyoming Public Service Commission.
- Counsel to suction dredge miner after appeal of APDES permit by third party.
- Counsel for oil and gas exploration company in appeal of winter drilling stipulations.
- Counsel for Colorado company in asset purchase, negotiated deal points, completed document diligence, and successfully settled pending litigation between shareholders of selling co
- Represented Colorado company in imputed trespass appeal before the Division of Professions and Occupations, preserving the viability of more than $500,000 in leases.
Insights & Presentations
- Panelist, “Environmental Justice Considerations in Natural Resource Damage Matters,” Law Seminars International, Santa Fe, NM, 2023
- Presenter, “Loper Bright and the Clean Air Act,” WESTAR Annual Meeting, Reno, NV 2024.
- “Vance v. Wolfe: ‘Beneficial Use’ or ‘Beneficial Byproduct?’—An Analysis of Produced Water in Colorado,” 13 DENV. WATER L. REV. 163, 2010
- Alaska Department of Law Leadership Award recipient, 2022
- Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, Regional Assistant Director, Colorado, 2018–2021
- Colorado Parks and Wildlife Sportspersons Roundtable, 2018–2020