Claire Mitchell Discusses Proliferation of New Marijuana Regulations in Wash., Colo.
Stoel Rives attorney Claire Mitchell authored an article in Law360 titled “Marijuana Regs Are Growing Like Weeds In Wash., Colo.” The article discusses the steps regulators are taking to craft a regulatory framework to implement newly enacted laws in Colorado and Washington that legalized the recreational use of marijuana.
Mitchell notes that voter-approved legalization, besides legalizing marijuana possession and use, removed state law prohibitions against producing, processing and selling the drug and subjected businesses involved in those activities to taxation, licensing requirements and other regulations. In developing the new regulations, state agencies have placed an emphasis on consumer safety by focusing on how stores handle and store marijuana products and how they are tested for quality and safety before being released for sale.
Read “Marijuana Regs Are Growing Like Weeds In Wash., Colo.,” published on September 5, 2014 (Subscription required.)