Stoel Rives’ Attorney Thomas Braun Elected to Board of Great River Greening
MINNEAPOLIS — Stoel Rives LLP is pleased to announce that environmental attorney Thomas J. Braun has been elected to the board of directors of the environmental conservation nonprofit Great River Greening. Braun will serve a three-year term, starting immediately.
Great River Greening promotes and leads restoration efforts to help preserve natural areas, protect clean air and water, and increase urban residents’ access to healthy, natural areas and sustainable open space. The organization’s ecologists apply state-of-the-art practices to restoration projects, working with volunteers to bring them to fruition. To date, more than 44,000 community members have contributed to the restoration of more than 20,000 acres of natural habitat statewide. Staff members from Stoel Rives’ Minneapolis office have volunteered for several projects.
“I am thrilled to help Great River Greening continue to thrive and grow in its ability to take on restoration projects throughout Minnesota,” Braun said. “Its work conserving the ecology and beauty of our state benefits all of us.”
A partner in Stoel Rives’ Environmental, Land Use & Natural Resources group, Braun represents clients at the federal, state, and local levels in matters involving environmental and energy issues. He has experience in the management, remediation, and redevelopment of contaminated properties and in the siting, permitting, and development of large commercial facilities. Braun has helped clients resolve enforcement actions brought by governmental regulators, including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
Braun serves on the Section Council for the Minnesota State Bar Association Environmental, Natural Resources and Energy Law Section. He earned his law degree, magna cum laude, from the University of Minnesota Law School and undergraduate degree, summa cum laude, from the University of Minnesota.