Life at Stoel: Team


Misha Isaak
Partner, Litigation

My name is Misha Isaak. I'm a litigation partner here at Stoel Rives.

Stoel Rives has an extremely collaborative culture. Everybody's got their door open all the time. People are floating in and out of offices. One thing that sets Stoel Rives apart from some other firms in town that I think is significant is that there's an expectation that people come into work. And the reason I think that's significant is that you really have teams working together here to help solve client problems. Our firm is largely not, you know, isolated individuals sitting at their home computers, you know, litigating cases from their desks, but it's teams working together and it helps to be co-located in the same environment for that.

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Media Relations
w. 201.493.1027 c. 201.788.0142

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Director of Marketing Operations

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