Participants in Latest Idaho Business Insider Survey Focus on Need for Improved Education

Press Release

Boise, ID — The third quarterly Business Insider survey of Idaho business owners and executives finds respondents unanimous in their wish for Idaho lawmakers to focus on improving the state’s educational opportunities—to train the healthcare workers, technology entrepreneurs, skilled workers and others who will be important its economy in the years to come.

Made possible by financial support from Stoel Rives LLP, the survey polls local business owners, CEOs and other business leaders on the economy, business climate and other business issues relevant to Idaho's business community. The first quarterly survey focused on business outlook and the second on the impact of employer healthcare costs in the wake of the adoption of the Affordable Care Act. Subsequent surveys are scheduled to focus on taxes and regulation. The Business Insider and The Idaho Statesman maintain full editorial control of the survey.

Asked what the state’s top three priorities should be, the survey respondents all included “education,” with several making it their number one priority and one choosing it for all three. Particularly stressed was the need to continue “to improve the educational opportunities and outcomes for our children all along the spectrum from cradle to career,” though not necessarily by simply spending more money. “I do not believe we have seen acceptable results for the funds spent thus far,” said one respondent. “I recommend a comprehensive review of education from top to bottom based on data driven information...”

The survey draws on the responses of 10 participants: Lucio Prado, El Gallo Giro; Rob Perez, President, Northwest Bank; Bill Gilbert, Co-Founder & Managing Director, The CAPROCK Group, Inc.; Jim Kissler, CEO, Norco, Inc.; Jim Cleary, President & CEO, MWI Veterinary Supply, Inc.; Sally Jeffcoat, Executive Vice President, CHE Trinity Health West/Midwest; Karen Vauk, President & CEO, The Idaho Foodbank; Bob Lokken, CEO, WhiteCloud Analytics; Tommy Ahlquist, COO Gardner Company; Darrel Anderson, President & CEO, Idaho Power.

Visit to read the complete survey.

Media Contact

Jamie Moss (newsPRos)
Media Relations
w. 201.493.1027 c. 201.788.0142

Mac Borkgren
Senior Manager, Marketing Communications & Operations

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